Unai Hernández-Jayo, Javier García-Zubía, and Gustavo R Alves (eds.) VISIR Handbook - Analog Electronics with the VISIR Remote Lab: Real Online Experiments. 2024. pp. 295. ISBN: 978-981-12-7414-5. April 2024. https://doi.org/10.1142/13348

Costa, A. R., Caldeira, A., Marinho-Araujo, C., & Almeida, L. S. (Eds.). (2024). Sucesso Académico no Ensino Superior. ADIPSIEDUC – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação em Psicologia da Educação. ISBN 978-989-99517-4-7. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/26333

Cátia A. Sousa, Roque Brandão, Abel Duarte (2024) 
Aquaponics For Food Production – A Sustainable Vertical Garden At School Of Engineering Of Porto. In: Guedes, Denis; Silva, Leonardo; Oliveira, Victor (eds.) O meio ambiente em foco: desafios e soluções para a sustentabilidade”, Atena Editora. DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.7472430011, ISBN: 978-65-258-2274-7.

Araujo, A.L., Silva, F.T., Ribeiro, A., Campos, J.B.L.M., Pilão, R.M. (2024). Gasification of Animal Fat Using Dolomite as Particle Bed in a Downdraft Fixed Bed Reactor. In: Caetano, N.S. (eds) Sustainable Development with Renewable Energy. ICEER 2023. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-54394-4_5

Silva, F., Direito, D., Pilão, R., Ribeiro, A.M. (2024). Valorisation of Leather Wastes from the Footwear Industry via Pyrolysis: Product Yields and Characterisation. In: Galvão, J.R.d.C.S., Brito, P., Neves, F.d.S., Almeida, H.d.A., Mourato, S.d.J.M., Nobre, C. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023). ICoWEFS 2023. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-48532-9_19

Kevin Daimi, Abeer Alsadoon and Sara Seabra dos Reis. Current and Future Trends in Health and Medical Informatics. ISSN 1860-949X; ISSN 1860-9503 (eletronic). Studies in Computational Intelligence. ISBN 978-3-031-42111-2 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42112-9

Almeida, A., Ramalho, E., Ribeiro, A., Pinho, C., Pilão, R. (2023). Thermodynamic Equilibrium Modelling of Glycerol Gasification. In: Caetano, N.S., Felgueiras, M.C. (eds) The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research. ICEER 2022. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43559-1_29

Paulo Silva, Nídia Caetano, Carlos Felgueiras. An overview of the evolution of civil engineering education towards sustainability in Portugal. Proceedings TEEM 2022 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978 981-99-0942-1_100

Ana María Balbín, Nídia S. Caetano, Miguel Á. Conde, Paulo Costa, Carlos Felgueiras, Ángel Fidalgo Blanco, David Fonseca, Adriana Gamazo, Alicia García-Holgado, Francisco José García-Peñalvo, José Gonçalves, Ángel Hernández-García, José Lima, Nicolae Nistor, Joe O’Hara, Susana Olmos-Migueláñez, Valeriano Piñeiro-Naval, María-Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, Patricia Sánchez-Holgado & María Luisa Sein-Echaluce. Trends on Communication, Educational Assessment, Sustainable Development, Educational Innovation, Mechatronics and Learning Analytics at TEEM 2022. Proceedings TEEM 2022. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-0942-1_73

Sandra Terezinha Urbanetz, Gustavo Ribeiro Alves (2023). “A Trajetória de Constituição Docente para a Educação Profissional: um estudo da docência na engenharia”. In: Ferreira, Liliana Soares (org.) (2023). Trabalho Pedagógico na Educação Profissional e Tecnológica em diferentes contextos: desafios e reflexões – volume 4, capítulo 9, pp. 147-162 https://doi.org/10.24824/978652515251.6

Pedro Castro-Martins, Luís Pinto-Coelho, Mário Vaz, Marcelino Pinto, Arcelina Marques, "Towards an In-shoe Pneumatic Insole to Plantar Injury Prevention in Diabetic Foot", Proceedings of the 10th of the Portuguese Society of Biomechanics, Springer, 2023 Congress https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-47790-4_29

Gueiral, N., Nogueira, E. (2023). Total Hip Arthroplasty Modelling and Load Simulation, in COMSOL Multiphysics. In: Daimi, K., Alsadoon, A., Seabra Dos Reis, S. (eds) Current and Future Trends in Health and Medical Informatics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1112. Springer, Cham https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42112-9_15

Caetano N, Martins Florinda, Oliveira G M. Life cycle assessment of renewable energy technologies. In The Renewable Energy-Water-Environment Nexus, pages 37-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-443 13439-5.00002-8

Sena-Esteves, M.T., Ribeiro, M., Morais, C., Bres-Pereira, I., Guedes, A., Soares, F., Leão, C.P., "Team Based Learning to Enhance Student’ Competencies in a Fluid Mechanics Module", Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2023, pp. 135–143 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99 0942-1_13

Dominik May, Gustavo R. Alves, Alexander A. Kist, Susan M. Zvacek, (2023). “Online Laboratories in Engineering Education Research and Practice”. In: Johri, A. (Ed.). (2023). International Handbook of Engineering Education Research (1st ed.). Routledge. ISBN 9781003287483. Chapter 24, pp. 525-552, May 2023. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003287483

M. Nascimento, F. Silva, R. Pilão, M.P. Neto & A.M. Ribeiro (2023). Influence of the operating temperature on the slow pyrolysis of pinecones. Ed. Candida Vilarinho, Fernando Castro e Margarida J. Quina. Proceedings of International Conference Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV (WASTES 2023), vol 4, pp.95-100 CRC Press /Balkema. ISSN 2640-9623 https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003345084-16/influence-operating temperature-slow-pyrolysis-pinecones-nascimento-silva-pil%C3%A3o-neto-ribeiro

Ricardo Ferreira, Pedro Gregório. Luís Coelho and Sara Seabra dos Reis. Natural Language Processing and Cloud Computing in Disease Prevention and Management. In: Exploring the Convergence of Computer and Medical Science Through Cloud Healthcare. IGI Global. ISBN 10: 166845260X. ISBN 13: 9781668452615 https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-5260-8.ch010


Caetano, N.S.; Corrêa, P.S.; Morais Júnior, W.G.; Oliveira, G.M.; Martins, A.A.A.; Mata, T.M.; Branco-Vieira, M. (2022). Microalgae for Pigments and Cosmetics. Algal Biorefineries and the Circular Bioeconomy. 1st Edition. CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003195405-5

Caetano, N.S.; Corrêa, P.S.; Morais Júnior, W.G.; Mata, T.M.; Martins, A.A.A.; Branco-Vieira, M. (2022). LCA: A Tool to Develop Sustainable Microalgal Biorefineries. Algal Biorefineries and the Circular Bioeconomy. 1st Edition. CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003195429-10

Lazareva, E., Oliveira, L., Yanina, I., Chernomyrdin, N., Musina, G., Tuchina, D., Bashkatov, A., Zaytsev, K. & Tuchin, V. (2022) Refractive index measurements of tissue and blood components and OCAs in a wide spectral range. In V. V. Tuchin, D. Zhu & E. A. Genina (Eds), Handbook of Tissue Optical Clearing. 1st Edition. pp. 141-166. Boca Raton (USA): CRC Press. ISBN 9781003025252. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003025252-8

Oliveira, L. & Tuchin, V. (2022) Optical clearing for cancer diagnostics and monitoring. In V. V. Tuchin, D. Zhu & E. A. Genina (Eds), Handbook of Tissue Optical Clearing. 1st Edition. pp. 597-606. Boca Raton (USA): CRC Press. ISBN 9781003025252 http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781003025252-37

Viegas, C., Lima, N. (2022). Promoting Students’ Learning and Involvement Under Demanding Remote Environments. In: Auer, M.E., Pester, A., May, D. (Eds) Learning with Technologies and Technologies in Learning. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 456 (pp.603-628). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04286-7_29

Luis Pinto Coelho, Ricardo Queirós and Sara Seabra Reis. Emerging Advancements for Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare. ISBN 13: 9781799883715|ISBN10: 179988371X|EISBN13: 9781799883722 https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8371-5

Dorota Kamińska; Grzegorz Zwolińsksi; Anna Laska-Leśniewicz; Luis Pinto Coelho. Virtual Reality in Healthcare. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8371-5.ch001

Pedro Monteiro, Diana Leal Tavares, Luís Mourão, Henri P. A. Nouws and Gisela Maia. Biosensors, Biofeedback, and Neurofeedback. ISBN13: 9781799886341|ISBN10: 1799886344|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799886358|EISBN13: 9781799886365. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8634-1.ch015

Alexandra R. Costa, Amélia Caldeira, Gustavo R. Alves. Proceedings e-Book. Conference Academic Success in Higher Education (CASHE). https://www.isep.ipp.pt/files/CASHE2022_proceedings_book.pdf

Luis Pinto Coelho; Idalina Freitas; Dorota Urszula Kaminska; Ricardo Queirós; Anna Laska-Lesniewicz; Grzegorz Zwolinski; Rui Raposo; Mário Vairinhos; Elisabeth T. Pereira; Eric Haamer et al. Virtual and Augmented Reality Awareness Tools for Universal Design. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8371-5.ch002


Nidia Caetano, Zita Vale, Carlos Felgueiras, Coriolano Salvini, Ambra Ambra Giovannelli, Energies - Special Issue Developing the World in 2021 with Clean and Safe Energy, ISSN 1996-1073. (EDIÇÃO) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/Developing_World_Clean_Safe_Energy 

Lígia Pinto, Nídia Sá Caetano, Paula Campos, Pedro Álvaro, Pedro Bastos (Editores).  19.º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ENaSB) / 12.ª Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos (JTIR). Livro do Congresso. 2021. ISBN 978-989-54301-2-3, 2015. https://enasb-jtir.apesb.org/

Isabelli Sasdelli, Gustavo R. Alves, Wilson Valente Junior, Luis Carlos Martinhago Schlichting, Caracterização de erros experimentais em circuitos eletrônicos no Laboratório Remoto VISIR+, In: Educação Contemporânea – Vol. 15 – Ensino Superior/ Organização: Gonçalves, Maria Célia da Silva; Jesus, Bruna Guzman de – Belo Horizonte– MG: Poisson, ISBN: 978-65-5866-057-6, Capítulo 23, https://doi.org/10.36229/978-65-5866-057-6.CAP.23, pp. 283-297.

Coelho L., Reis S. (2021) Ethical Issues of Gamification in Healthcare: The Need to be Involved. In: Handbook of Research on Solving Modern Healthcare Challenges with Gamification. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7472-0. ISBN 10: 1799874729. https://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-solving-modern-healthcare/264147

Lopes, J. B. e Viegas M. C. (2021). Narrações multimodais: uma e-ferramenta ao dispor da investigação [multimodal narratives: an e-tool available to research]. In Ana Nobre, Ana Mouraz, Marina Duarte (Eds.) Portas que o digital abriu na investigação em educação [Doors that digital opened in education research]. Universidade Aberta. (pp. 199-225). DOI: https://doi.org/10.34627/uab.edel.15.10

António Silveira, Durão Carvalho, João Infante, Joaquim Alves, Jorge Santos, José Miguel Rodrigues, Maria do Céu Ferreira, Núria Moreira, Noélia Duarte, Rúben Mendes, Sílvia Moutinho, Susana Ramos, Comissão Setorial para Saúde (CS/09) - GT1 Metrologia na Saúde, A Metrologia na Saúde - Guia de Boas Práticas - Parte II Capitulo IV Desfrilhadores, Edição Instituto Português da Qualidade, 2021, 1ª edição, ISBN 978-972-763-183-4, http://www1.ipq.pt/PT/SPQ/ComissoesSectoriais/CS09/Documents/2021_guia_boas_praticas_desfibrilhadores.pdf

Yu T., Zhu D., Oliveira L., Genina E.A., Bashkatov A.N., Tuchin V.V. (2021). Tissue optical clearing mechanisms. In: Tuchin V.V., Zhu D., Genina E.A. (eds). Handbook of Tissue Clearing: New Prospects in Optical Imaging. (Ch. 1, pp. 3-29). CRC Press, London 2021. ISBN 9780367895099, ISBN 9781003025252 (ebook), Chapter DOI: 10.1201/9781003025252

Lazareva E.N., Oliveira L., Yanina I. Yu., Chernomyrdin N.V., Musina G.R., Tuchina D.K., Bashkatov A.N., Zaytsev K.I., Tuchin V.V. (2021). Refractive index measurements of tissue and blood components and OCAs in a wide spectral range. In: Tuchin V.V., Zhu D., Genina E.A. (eds). Handbook of Tissue Clearing: New Prospects in Optical Imaging. (Ch. 7, pp. 141-166). CRC Press, London 2021. ISBN 9780367895099, ISBN 9781003025252 (ebook), Chapter DOI: 10.1201/9781003025252.

Oliveira L.M., Tuchin V.V. (2021). Optical clearing for cancer diagnostics and monitoring. In: Tuchin V.V., Zhu D., Genina E.A. (eds). Handbook of Tissue Clearing: New Prospects in Optical Imaging. (Ch. 33, pp. 597-606). CRC Press, London 2021. ISBN 9780367895099, ISBN 9781003025252 (ebook), Chapter DOI: 10.1201/9781003025252

Torres, I., Costa, A. R. (2021). Strategic Leadership for New Competitive Environments. In Carlos Martins & Paula Rodrigues (eds). Competitive Drivers for Improving Future Business Performance. IGI Global, Ch. 2, pp. 19-33, ISBN: ‎ 978-1799818434. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1843-4.ch002.


Caetano, N.S., Sutanto, D., Farzaneh, H., Tabatabaei, M., Felgueiras, C. (Eds.) (2020). Energy Storage: From Chemicals to Materials and More. Energies - MDPI. 3 papers pub
lished. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/Energy_Storage_REEE_2018

Libro de atas del XIV Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica (TAEE2020).  Editors: Gustavo R. Alves, André V. Fidalgo, Manuel C. Felgueiras, Ricardo Costa. ISBN: 978-989-54758-3-4

Proceedings of the 2020 XIV Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching Conference (TAEE). Editors: Gustavo R. Alves, André V. Fidalgo, Manuel C. Felgueiras, Ricardo Costa. 2020. ISBN 978-1-7281-6732-9

Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2020). Editors: Alberto Cardoso, Gustavo R. Alves and Maria Teresa Restivo. 2020. 1979 pages. ISBN 978-1-7281-0930-5

Resultados e Extensões do Projeto VISIR+ no Brasil: Um olhar internacional (Results and Extensions of the VISIR+ Project in Brazil: An international perspective) / Gustavo Ribeiro Alves / María Isabel Pozzo / Vanderli Fava de Oliveira – Organizadores – Brasília: ABENGE, 2020, 70p., ISBN 978-85-64541-13-19. Available at http://www.abenge.org.br/arquivos/downloads/livro/Visir22dez.pdf

Marques A.P.G.C., Caetano N.S., Castro P.M.L. Strategies for Enhancing Soil Phytoremediation and Biomass Valorization. In: The Handbook of Environmental Remediation (Chapter 12), Chaudhery
Mustansar Hussain (ed), Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, p. 331–56. (2020). ISBN: 978-1-78801-380-2, eISBN: 978-1-83916-172-8, PDF ISBN: 978-1-78801-626-1. Chapter DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/9781788016261-00331

Nídia S. Caetano. (2020). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1585, 3rd International Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering (CEEPE2020) 24-26 April 2020, Chongqing, China. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1585


Luís Oliveira & Valery Tuchin. The Optical Clearing Method: A new tool for clinical practice and biomedical engineering. Springer, Cham (Switzerland), 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-33054-5. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-33055-2.

J. Bernardino Lopes, Clara Viegas & Alexandre Pinto (2019). Multimodal Narratives in Research and Teaching Practices. Hershey, USA. IGI Global. Fevereiro 2019. ISBN13: 9781522585701; ISBN10: 1522585702; EISBN13: 9781522585718; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-8570-1
Edited by Guest Editors Nelson Martins, Naim Afgan, Carlos Borrego, Marta Ferreira Dias, Maria Isabel Nunes, Carlos Felgueiras, Nídia Caetano. Special Issue of the Sustainability Journal - The Circular Economy as a Promoter of Sustainability. (ISSN 2071-1050). Scopus; SCIE. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/circular_economy_promoter_sustainability

Caetano N.S., Ribeiro V., Ribeiro L., Baptista A., Monteiro J. (2019) Biodiesel Production Systems: Operation, Process Control and Troubleshooting. In: Tabatabaei M., Aghbashlo M. (eds) Biodiesel: From Production to Combustion. (Ch. 3, pp. 27-56). Biofuel and Biorefinery Technologies, vol 8. Springer,Cham. 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-00984-7, ISBN 978-3-030-00985-4 (eBook), Chapter https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00985-4_3.

J. B. Lopes, M.C. Viegas & A. Pinto (2019). The importance of making teaching practices public, shareable and usable - The role of Multimodal Narratives. In Lopes, Viegas & Pinto (Eds.) Multimodal Narratives in Research and Teaching Practices. Hershey, USA. IGI Global (pp. 1-43). https://doi.org/ 10.4018/978-1-5225-8570-1.ch001.

Clara Viegas, Eliane de Souza Cruz. (2019). Understanding the importance of students’ assessment andfeedback with Multimodal Narratives. In Lopes, Viegas & Pinto (Eds.) Multimodal Narratives in Research and Teaching Practices. Hershey, USA. IGI Global (pp. 44-63). https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-8570-1.ch002.

Caldeira, A., Lopes, S. O., Figueiredo, I., & Costa, R. A. (2019). Low-cost videos for learning Mathematics by teaching. In F. Soares, A. P. Lopes, K. Brown, & A. Uukkvi (Eds.), Developing Technology Mediation in Learning Environments. ISBN13: 9781799815914|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799815921|EISBN13: 9781799815938.https://www.igi-global.com/book/developing-technology-mediation-learningenvironments/233686.

M. F. Coelho, M. R. Soilan, G. Vilão, E. M. Nogueira, J. L. Legido, J. C R. Reis, T. P. Iglesias (2019). Permitividad de nanofluidos de CuO (12 nm) y γ- Al2O3 (15 nm) en agua a diferentes temperaturas. In La Investigación del Grupo Especializado de Termodinámica de las Reales Sociedades Españolas de Física y Química. Volumen 9 (pp. 91-98). https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.9788497497350.

Marques A.P.G.C., Caetano N.S., Castro P.M.L. Strategies for Enhancing Soil Phytoremediation and Biomass Valorization. In: The Handbook of Environmental Remediation (Chapter 12), Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain (ed), Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, p. 331–56. (2020). ISBN: 978-1-78801-380-2, eISBN: 978-1-83916-172-8, PDF ISBN: 978-1-78801-626-1. Chapter https://doi.org/10.1039/9781788016261-00331.

Oliveira M, Capelas S, Delerue-Matos C, Pereira IB, Morais S. 2019. Barbecue Grill Workers Occupational Exposure to Particulate-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. In: Arezes P. et al. (eds) Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 202. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-14730-3_22


António M. Lopes, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Elisa Ramalho (2018). Fractional-Order Model of Wine, In book: Chaotic, Fractional, and Complex Dynamics: New Insights and Perspectives, pp. 191-203. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68109-2_10.

Gustavo R. Alves, André V. Fidalgo, Maria A. Marques, Maria C. Viegas, Manuel C. Felgueiras, Ricardo J. Costa, Natércia Lima, Manuel Castro, Gabriel Díaz-Orueta, Elio SanCristobal-Ruiz, Felix García-Loro, Javier García-Zubía, Unai Hernández-Jayo, Wlodek Kulesza, Ingvar Gustavsson, Kristian Nilsson, Johan Zackrisson, Andreas Pester, Danilo Zutin, Luis Schlichting, Golberi Ferreira, Daniel de Bona, Fernando Santana Pacheco, Juarez B. Silva, João B. Alves, Simone Biléssimo, Ana Pavani, Delberis Lima, Guilherme Temporão, Susana Marchisio, Sonia Concari, Federico Lerro, Gaston S. de Arregui, Claudio Merendino, Miguel Plano, Rubén Fernández, Héctor Paz, Fernando Soria, Mario J. Gómez, Nival de Almeida, Vanderli de Oliveira, María I. Pozzo, Elsa Dobboletta, and Brenda Bertramo (2017). International Cooperation for Remote Lab use, In: Higher Engineering Education. Maria M. Nascimento, Gustavo R. Alves, and Eva A. Morais (Eds.). Springer, ISBN , Chapter 1, pp. 7-38. In press.
Celina P. Leão, Filomena Soares, Anabela Guedes, M. Teresa Sena Esteves, Gustavo R. Alves, Isabel M. Brás Pereira, Romeu Hausmann, Clovis António Petry (2017). The flow of knowledge and level of satisfaction in engineering courses based on students’ perceptions, In: Higher Engineering Education. Maria M. Nascimento, Gustavo R. Alves, and Eva A. Morais (Eds.). Springer, ISBN ,Chapter 3, pp. 61-80. In press.


Razwan Mohmed Salah, Gustavo R. Alves, Shamil Kaddoury Talal, Clara Viegas and Pedro Guerreiro (2017). A Community of Practice Around Online Labs in Iraq: Towards Effective Support for Academics and Higher Educational Systems in the MENA Region, Global Voices in Higher Education, Dr. Susan Renes (Ed.), InTech, ISBN 978-953-51-3230-1, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3229-5. Available from: https://www.intechopen.com/books/global-voices-in-higher-education/a-community-of-practice-around-online-labs-in-iraq-towards-effective-support-for-academics-and-highe.
Clara Viegas (2017). The Development of Competences in Engineering Students, In: Teaching Science. J. Lopes, J. Cravino, E. de Souza Cruz et al. (Eds.) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN 978-1-53612-361-6, Chapter 11, pp 189-207. In press.
Clara Viegas (2017). Students' Assessment in Teaching Science and Technology, In: Teaching Science. J. Lopes, J. Cravino, E. de Souza Cruz et al. (Eds.) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN 978-1-53612-361-6, Chapter 16, pp 283-301. In press.

Ana Luísa, António Silveira, Durão Carvalho, Elsa Batista, Fernando Figueira, Joaquim Alves, José Miguel Rodrigues, Maria do Céu Ferreira, Núria Moreira, Rúben Mendes, Sílvia Moutinho, Susana Ramos, Comissão Setorial para Saúde (CS/09) - GT1 Metrologia na Saúde. A Metrologia na Saúde - Guia de Boas Práticas - Parte II Capitulo III Bombas de Perfusão, Edição Instituto Português da Qualidade, 2016, 1ª edição, ISBN 978-972-763-166-7.


Natércia Lima, Clara Viegas, Gustavo R. Alves, Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Capítulo 14.  A utilização do VISIR como um recurso educativo: uma revisão da literatura, In TICAI (2016) TICs para el Aprendizaje de la Ingeniería. Manuel G. Gericota y Juan Manuel Santos Gago (Eds). IEEE, Sociedad de Educación: Capítulos Español y Portugués. 2016. pp. 105-114. ISBN 978-84-8158-732-6.

António Silveira, Durão Carvalho, Fernando Figueira, João Infante, José Miguel Rodrigues, Joaquim Alves, Maria Adelina Gomes, Maria do Céu Ferreira, Noélia Duarte, Olivier Pellegrino, Sílvia Moutinho, Susana Ramos, Comissão Setorial para Saúde (CS/09) - GT1 Metrologia na Saúde. A Metrologia na Saúde - Guia de Boas Práticas - Parte II Capitulo I Instrumentos de Medição da Pressão Arterial,  Edição Instituto Português da Qualidade, 2016, 1ª edição, ISBN 978-972-763-160-5.

António Silveira, Durão Carvalho, Fernando Figueira, João Infante, José Miguel Rodrigues, Joaquim Alves, Maria Adelina Gomes, Maria do Céu Ferreira, Noélia Duarte, Olivier Pellegrino, Sílvia Moutinho, Susana Ramos, Comissão Setorial para Saúde (CS/09) - GT1 Metrologia na Saúde. A Metrologia na Saúde - Guia de Boas Práticas - Parte II Capitulo II Termómetros Clínicos, Edição Instituto Português da Qualidade, 2016, 1ª edição, ISBN 978-972-763-161-2.


Gustavo Alves, Manuel Carlos Felgueiras (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York New York 10121-0701, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3442-6.


Teresa Restivo and Gustavo R. Alves, Chapter 13. Acquisition of higher-order experimental skills through remote and virtual laboratories, Editors: Olga Dziabenko and Javier García-Zubía. Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, 2013. pp. 321-347. ISBN 978-84-15759-16-4.


Nuno Gueiral and Elisabete Nogueira, Chapter 8. Acoustic Emission Studies in Hip Arthroplasty – Peak Stress Impact In Vitro Cemented Prosthesis, In: Recent Advances in Arthroplasty, book edited by Samo K. Fokter. ISBN 978-953-307-990-5. DOI: 10.5772/28520.

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