The Board of Directors is constituted by a Director and by the Coordinators of the CIETI Groups.


Click here for more information.


4 Research Groups:

Energy, Processes and Evironment Group promotes:
+ Research in Chemical Engineering, foccused in energy, production processes and technologies, and environment;

+ Solutions for engineering problems in industries.

Learn more about NEPA team.


Biomaterials and Nanotechnologies Group aims to: 
+ Develop research in nanomaterials, such as leather and textile areas;

+ Develop research in nanomaterials and nanomedicine;
+ Develop nanoparticles or molecules that increase medicines bioavailability;
+ Develop research in Medical Optics;
+ Develop research in Food and Environmental Biotechnologies: biorremediation of heavy metals and development of bioassays for toxicity evaluation;
+ Study phisiology of beer yeasts.

Learn more about NBIN team.


Testing Systems Research Group (LABORIS) 
aims to:
+ Develop and implement modern solutions to advanced education requirements in the industrial field;

+ Perform  advanced research on electronic systems debug and testing;
+ Follow the evolution of programmable digital systems and study its use on concrete engineering problems;
+ Promote remote laboratories and experimental support infrastructures both in the context of higher education and industrial applications.

Learn more about LABORIS team.

Biosensors and Biomaterials Group (LabRISE)

+ Development of smart materials that serve as artificial detection platforms for biomarkers and their aplication in healthcare, early detection of chronic diseases and therapy;
+ Integration of biomarkers into suitable nanostructured carriers.

Learn more about the LabRISE team.